I Did Not Leave You

9:11 a.m. 

Hi, my dearest mom. I’m so glad you are much calmer today. This makes it easier for me to approach and talk to you.

Note: Once again, he pinpointed that my emotions played a tremendous role on when and how he was able to approach me. We need to become more aware that our emotional state has an impact on our communication with our children in the Realm of Truth and other spiritual beings. The calmer we are, the more balanced we become, which makes it easier to communicate and create a flow. 

  1. We talked about me and then about politics overall.
  2. We talked about our family’s financial situation.
  3. We talked about his friends.
  4. Once again, we talked about the headstone.

I will never leave your side, mom. Trust me. I’m not only in your head or memories. I’m very much in your presence. Look at me mom, look at me.

I am here. Please trust me. Please trust me. That is all that I am aIMG_0872sking of you. Trust me. I love you, mom, beyond any spoken language. I know that you love me even more so.

I am very sorry I cannot kiss or hug you. I am sorry I left. But that had to happen. It was planned in the book for me, the plan that was designed by our master.

We have no control over that. So my dearest mom, please accept my love and acknowledge that I am here. Acknowledge that I did not leave you.

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