B). Two Visits by Divine Mother ( #2 & #3)

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11:33 am Visit #2
Drink my daughter, juice of life
Drink and let your mind be healed
Let your body take rest
Let your body breathe G-d’s breath.
Heal your essence,
Heal your life,
There are no worries,
You are loved.
I am your Mother -Mother of all,
And your G-d is in her home.
Swim my daughter in my waves of love,
See my turtles, I have sent you them from above.
Take your time
Get well and heal,
The New World is coming,
The new future is near.
I will give you energy,
I will put it in your hands.
The purple light of awareness,
And silver light of love.
When you mix them all,
By your hand, the healing will come
For those who are in need
And in the end you will be fine.
And now, time to wait,
To heal and become strong.
Therefore do not rush or worry
Or jump from here to there.
Stay with me,
Breathe G-d’s breath,
Calm your monkey mind,
Slow down your heart.
Your soul needs rest,
You have to wait,
I will provide for you
I will take care of you
I will nurture you
I will heal you.
Close your eyes and breathe, breathe, breathe
The breathing is the only thing you need.
Rest and breathe,
Here, I’m here,
Be calm, relax, your Mother has come,
You must now relax.
3:35pm Visit #3
There is no real separation between souls
In the house of G-d.
There, you are always protected,
Calm down, my child, and relax.
Learn how to trust your Mother,
Mother who loves you for real,
Trust my child, and calm
The mind that makes you fear.
There is no death, as you know,
There is no life as well.
It is only one long journey,
From start without end.
Relax my child and know
Your Mother is home with you.
Relax my child and know
I will take care of you.
There is no room for fear if trust is near.
Your trust must grow everyday
And as you heal and as you hear,
You must connect to steel of soul.
Stay here with me in trust and faith,
Breathe G-d’s breath and know
There are no worries left for you,
I am with you, taking care of you.
Just hear me well and do what I say,
Let your soul soar to the heights of unknown.
No worries, my child, your Mother in house,
Smile and breathe, I will lift your weight,
I’m here, I’m here, I’m here,
Just smile and breathe.